
We help you build transformation strategies that ensure successful and positive organizational change.

What We Do

An enterprise-wide transformation takes time,
effort and resources.


We plan actionable transformation strategies that are tailored around your processes and systems, and help your organization to plan, navigate and implement the change.

Bridge the gaps between IT and product development with the business functions of your corporation, namely, finance, sales and marketing. Evolve organizational culture, and develop the capabilities that lead to desired business outcomes such as speed, quality and customer delight.

Allow us to map out and handhold you through your journey to organizational change!

How We Do



Disruptions in technology and tools, new working models, and the need for business agility have radically changed the ways organizations work. To keep up with evolving industry needs and regulatory mandates, businesses must either transform themselves, or get left behind. Companies that have adapted to Agile ways of working are able to act quickly and respond to change in a world that is increasingly volatile and complex.

Agile (or agility) is more than just a mentality-an alternate state of mind. Transitioning from 'doing agile' to 'being agile' requires something other than just an assortment of practices; it requires an organization to embrace agility as the way of operation and to thrive. It requires a new way of living and working for those organizations.

Many organizations have been building software and related products for decades or years. Gone are the days of "shrink-wrapped" software that were delivered in a strict serial model called "waterfall" that went from requirements to delivery in big blocks of steps. The world has decided to move much faster and build smaller software in incremental steps. This may be a quantum leap for many product development organizations and the challenges faced to make it happen may be mountain high.



Change Management is the first step in your enterprise transformation journey. We start by setting up the business objectives and sort out change authority groups necessary to meet those objectives.

Each change program is built to fit particular customer needs from field-tried change designs adjusted with change models and agile practices. Some changes may be global, that could impact the entire development and connected organizations. Some changes may be more localized to specific development groups, such as, software development or device manufacturing.

Regardless of the scale of change, managing the change in a rigorous way exhibits the discipline necessary to successfully complete any transformation project.



Delivery Agility changes your skilled people into high-performing, autonomous teams who can deliver software and products rapidly and reliably in a well-coordinated manner. Once change management captures the entire transformation steps and flows, delivery agility bridges the gap between hypothesis and practice.

CyberBahn has developed a proprietary delivery framework that breathes life into a continuous change plan.

Benefits of this framework include:
- Alignment around a shared vision of success
- Rapid delivery with higher quality and reduced cost
- Improved transparency and predictability
- Better product-market fit in an iterative manner



Once the change management blueprint is implemented using delivery agility frameworks, organizational agility brings key leaders of the organization to advance three fundamental work spaces – physical, virtual, and mental-of every part of the organization. Organizational Agility aims to advance a community-oriented culture leveraging upon organizational advancement, group achievement, program coordination and continuous improvement. By streamlining procedures and destroying waste across every department, the organization is able to "examine and adjust" as it navigates through the changing realities around it.

CyberBahn strives to bring organizational agility to your doorstep with an aim to transcend your organization into a "learning machine" that continuously learns from the world around it, adapts and adjusts its internals to react with every weapon in its arsenal to win the business objectives of the organization.



Business Agility aims to bridge any gap between IT and product development with business functions of a corporation, namely, finance, sales and marketing. It infuses an Agile mindset across the corporation and fosters a culture where rapid delivery engines in IT and product development result in rapid-fire marketing, faster sales processes and revenue realization. Fundamentally, business agility brings innovation and newer products and services to market faster.

CyberBahn's business agility experts help to bring in the non-technical transformation complementing organizational agility – completing the loop and cycle of your enterprise-wide transformation in the most holistic manner.